The Center for Law, Brain and Behavior is featured on the front page of this summer’s Mindscapes, a newsletter published by the Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Psychiatry.
The article looks at CLBB’s roots, leadership, current projects, and mission. “Bruce [Price] and I saw that brain science was being imported prematurely into the courtroom, and that the cause-and-effect conclusions being reached were not supported by the current evidence. We found this very disturbing,” CLBB co-director Judith Edersheim told Mindscapes. “Junk science only furthers public confusion, despair and injustice.”
CLBB’s principal goal, the article reports, “is to address this problem by offering evidence-based and relevant translations of neuroscience in the legal arena.” This means first determining, through close contact with the legal community, what is relevant, and then responsibly translating scientific findings with those stakeholders in mind.
“We’re looking to impact legal and public policy,” said co-director Bruce Price. “Ultimately, our success will hinge on answering the question, ‘Can science help address some of the huge legal issues of the day and add value to the behavioral questions in the courtroom?’ ” co-director Bruce Price said. “We believe strongly that it can.”
Read the full article in MINDSCAPES.