
Center Staff

The core team at CLBB is committed to bringing together experts in the neuroscientific and legal communities in order to advance new discoveries and determine best practices for using them to improve the application of justice.


The Center for Law, Brain & Behavior puts the most accurate and actionable neuroscience in the hands of judges, lawyers, policymakers and journalists—people who shape the standards and practices of our legal system and affect its impact on people’s lives. We work to make the legal system more effective and more just for all those affected by the law.

Leadership & Center Staff

Founding Directors

Judith G. Edersheim, JD, MDedersheim 150x150 new

Attending Psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Bruce H. Price, MD

Chief, Department of Neurology, McLean Hospital
Associate in Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School

Executive Director

Robert Kinscherff, PhD, JD

Professor, Doctoral Clinical Psychology Program at William James College (Forensic Psychology, Law and Mental Health, Ecology of Child Behavioral Health)

Senior Fellow in Law and Applied Neuroscience (2015-2017) for joint Fellowship of Center for Law, Brain & Behavior (Massachusetts General Hospital) and Petrie-Flom Center (Harvard Law School)

Managing Director

Nancy Gertner, JD, MA

Senior Lecturer of Law, Harvard Law School
Former Federal Judge, U.S. District of Massachusetts

Director of External Relations

Carol W. Taylor, MA

Executive Director of External Relations, Center for Law, Brain & Behavior
Former Director of Development, Massachusetts General Hospital

Chief Innovation Officer

Francis X. Shen, JD, PhD

Professor, University of Minnesota Law School
Executive Director of Education and Outreach, MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience

Chief Scientific Officer

Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD

Director, Interdisciplinary Affective Science Laboratory
University Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Northeastern University
Neuroscientist, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Research Scientist, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital
Lecturer in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Director of Law & Ethics

Rebecca Weintraub Brendel, MD, JD

Director, Master’s Program in Bioethics, Harvard Medical School Center for Bioethics
Psychiatrist, Law & Psychiatry Service and Consultation Psychiatry Service, Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School



Project Manager, Center for Law, Brain & Behavior


Director of NeuroLaw Library, Center for Law, Brain & Behavior


Project Director, Center for Law, Brain & Behavior

Current and Former CLBB Fellows